When dividing a parent’s estate, if not given a complete plan on how to do so, dividing the financial assets may be the easy part. It’s the items that are worth nothing that can often bring up the most problems. For example, maybe your parents left you and your...
Month: May 2020
Now is a great time to make your estate plan
If you have switched on the news or opened a paper in Michigan recently, one thing is clear: Many people are dying before they expect to. Knowing that you are going to die one day, it is essential to prepare for the unexpected. If you have time on your hands, this...
A dangerous crash: Why semitrucks jackknife
Just driving close to a semitruck can be a nerve-racking experience for anybody on the best of days, let alone when Michigan roads are less than ideal. As Macomb County residents know, in an accident, semitrucks with trailers can quickly turn a small crash into a...
Brain injuries have potentially severe consequences
Car collisions can lead to some significant injuries, especially involving the skull and brain. Head-on collisions are some of the worst, but any kind of crash can lead to a head injury. These injuries are so serious that victims are going to need significant...
Proving negligence when the cause of a crash is unclear
Nearly all motor vehicle accident victims know whether they caused or contributed to a crash. Unfortunately, knowing you were not at fault is not the same as proof. When a crash causes only minor scrapes, proving the other motorist was negligent may or may not seem...