There are many different types of trusts that you can use when doing your estate planning. If you have an heir with special needs, you can set up a trust to provide for them without making them ineligible for government assistance. If you have an heir who is going to college, you can craft a trust that pays only for tuition and related college costs until they graduate.
But what if you just want to delay when someone gets an inheritance? You can do that by basing the trust, and when it pays out, around the person’s age.
If you leave your money to an heir in your will, they get that money when they turn 18. They are a legal adult. But is that really the appropriate time for them to get that money? They may legally be an adult, but do they have the level of responsibility needed to handle all of your life savings?
Many times, the answer is no. That’s when parents set up trusts and specify at what ages the child should get a portion of the money. They may simply delay 100% of the money until the child turns 30. They may give them 10% at 18, so that they feel like they got something, and then give them the other 90% later. Many parents pick three ages, such as giving out 25% at age 21, another 25% at age 30 and the final 50% at age 35.
What you do is up to you, but you should know that a trust can give you this type of control. That can help you protect your estate and influence how and when your child uses that money. If this is something you’d like to do, be sure you know what steps to take.