Tips for staying safe when you are driving in the summer

On Behalf of | Jul 1, 2021 | Personal Injury |

Summer is a great time to take that road trip you are your family have been planning or just to enjoy a local jaunt in Michigan to visit historic sites or natural wonders. What you should definitely keep in mind, though, is that summer, with its glorious weather and slower-than-usual pace of life, can be just as dangerous on the road as other seasons.

Of course, there is no snow, ice or treacherous conditions caused by frigid temperatures. But there are certainly other hazards to contend with.

For one thing, there are simply more people on the road. Summer is the prime time for vacations, whether you are an adult taking time off from work or if you are a high school or college student having fun on summer break. With the streets and highways more crowded with motor vehicles, the chances of an accident increase.

What other problems and conditions should you be aware of when you head out in your vehicle during the summer months? A few of these cautionary tips from experts at AAA may keep you and your passengers safe.

Suggestions for avoiding summertime driving accidents and breakdowns

  • Check your battery. Get it tested if it’s three years old and yearly after that.
  • People sometimes forge to inspect their tires. Look for worn treads and see if each tire needs to be inflated. If your tires are in poor condition, issues can arise when you drive on steamy pavements at high speeds.
  • Make sure the engine is in good shape by examining hoses, belts and the cooling system.
  • Be sure that the transmission, brake lights, interior lights, emergency flashers, turn signals, headlights, power steering and windshield wiper fluids are in good working order.


The summer months have been called “the 100 deadliest days” because that period usually has more fatal collisions involving teenagers. It’s a dangerous time on the road for others of all ages as well. Legal help is available if you are in a car crash in the summer. The best thing, however, is to avoid having an accident in the first place.