Seasoned. Successful. Supportive.

Helping You Recover From A Serious Truck Accident

Accidents involving tractor-trailer trucks and other commercial vehicles happen with disturbing frequency in Michigan, including in Warren, Troy, Shelby and Clinton. When smaller vehicles are involved in a truck accident, the results are often catastrophic.

An accident of this type can have a profound impact on individuals and families because of the damage to health, life and property. If you are seriously injured in an accident involving a truck, contact a lawyer at the Boyer Law Group, today.

Get Skilled Legal Counsel

Legal counsel is important for victims because the financial loss from injuries or death can run into millions of dollars. But the nature of traffic laws in Michigan also forces all parties involved to argue before the court on several points that can affect the outcome. Here is a list of some of those points:

  • Uninsured motorist: If you were the registered owner of the car you were driving but lacked insurance, state law bars you from suing the at-fault driver.
  • Car driver is at fault: In many accidents, the court determines a percent of blame where it appears two or more drivers share fault. If the operator of the car is found to be more than 50 percent responsible, that motorist cannot make a claim against the other drivers in the accident.
  • Truck driver was intoxicated: If it can be proven that a liquor store, a bar or another business illegally sold alcohol to a truck driver (particularly if he or she were visibly intoxicated), an injured motorist or other victim of the accident can bring a lawsuit against those businesses (in addition to the driver and his or her company) in a dram shop claim.
  • Assert dram shop claims in 180 days: The rule on excessive alcohol service by a third party also requires that the victims bring the lawsuit forward against liquor providers within six months of retaining legal counsel.

Particularly with regard to percent of fault in an accident, a solid case requires forensics experts that can illustrate how the accident occurred. A strong team of lawyers representing the trucking company must be balanced out by equally experienced and skilled lawyers for the plaintiff.

Learn More About Your Case

As with all personal injury cases, the plaintiff pays nothing for legal representation until the case is favorably concluded with an award settlement (i.e., on a contingency basis). That is why you can expect the attorneys at Boyer Law Group, to scrutinize your case closely to determine if it has merit.

Contact Us Today

For more information on truck accidents and other types of personal injury claims, contact Boyer Law Group, in Troy by calling 586-731-7400, or contact us online.